Eye On #Antisemitism
5 min readAug 19, 2019

The conspiracy of “Kalergi” that Jews are behind a white genocide (part 1)

Those that believe the Jews are behind a huge plot a conspiracy Kalergi or An “allergy” of hate. To rid Europe of all the white people (some Jews are white btw) and replace them with people from “foreign lands” is one of the most laughable ideas I’ve ever heard! However it’s become a sickening virus that has spread by antisemites on popular social media and by unmonitored social media

Out of 14 million Jews in the world and billions of non, how would this even be possible after reading the literature stemming from this insane conspiracy it’s noted that…

Eye On #Antisemitism

Ambrosine Shitrit Monitoring #antisemitism 2008 twitter @antisemitismeye contact Ambrosine Shitrit